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Thursday, 21 September 2017

Poland 2000 - Pope John II 80th Birthday joint Issue with the Vatican

Poland    2000 -   Pope John II 80th Birthday joint Issue with the Vatican
 John Paul II's 80th birthday. Joint issue with Vatican City. According to Slania, he made separate plates for both countries, because they are printed from different printing presses.  The Vatican issues are printed by Swedish Post and Poland by Polish Post. Both issues have slight differences- Johannes Paulus II. Stamp has a less deep engraving than the Vatican city.
- Our Lady of Czestochowa. Stamps is more contrasted than the monochrome Vatican issue.
- Pastoral Staff. Stamp has a criss-crossed background, while it is diagonal in Vatican issue.

 John Paul II's 80th birthday. Joint issue with Vatican City. According to Slania, he made separate plates for both countries, because they are printed from different printing presses.  The Vatican issues are printed by Swedish Post and Poland by Polish Post. Both issues have slight differences- 
Johannes Paulus II. Stamp has a less deep engraving than the Vatican city stamp.
- Our Lady of Czestochowa. Stamps is more contrasted than the monochrome Vatican issue.
- Pastoral Staff. Stamp has a criss-crossed background, while it is diagonal in the Vatican issue.

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